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Game Reviews

Monday 27 February 2012

Halo Combat Evolution (2001)

Game Review

Halo Combat Evolution (2001) 6/10

So everyone keeps going on about how halo changed FPS gaming well so I finally decided to check it out and see what all the fuss is about, and I must say, I am not impressed. Fine it looks solid and plays solid yet it feels like I’m playing Half Life with a green suit (although you can change it to orange if so inclined) and the ability to drive a beach buggy. But then again this was an Xbox thing and I’m playing it on PC.

The story seams basic so far, aliens bad humans good, we kill aliens. The game runs on a 3 weapon system meaning you can only hold 3 weapons at any time 2 guns and grenades (4 of a kind), and switching between them is fast and easy. So far the game is very mediocre and I cannot see myself giving it more than a rating of 6, but that said ill still continue playing it to see where it goes.